How to protect your skin from UV rays in summer

Summer is a time to enjoy outdoor activities and soak up some sun. However, it’s important to remember that exposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation can cause damage to our skin leading premature aging or even cancer. Therefore, it is essential that we take steps protect ourselves against harmful effects of sun.

Tip #1: Wear Protective Clothing
Wearing protective clothing such as long-sleeved shirts and pants made of lightweight fabrics like cotton can help shield your skin from direct sunlight while also allowing air flow through them so you don’t overheat during hot weather conditions.

Tip #2: Use Sunscreen
Applying sunscreen with at least SPF 30 every morning before going outside helps protect your skin against harmful UVA/UVB rays which may lead dark spots or other issues like wrinkles later down line . Reapply every two hours if you’re spending time outdoors.

Tip #3 : Seek Shade
Seeking shade under trees or umbrellas when possible reduces amount direct sunlight hitting exposed areas thereby reducing risk developing melanoma among other things..

 Tip#4 : Avoid Peak Hours
Avoid being outside between peak hours of 10am-4pm when sun’s rays are strongest; this will reduce overall exposure levels significantly!

 Tip#5 : Wear Sunglasses
Sunglasses not only make fashion statement but also provide protection eyes by blocking out harmful UVA/UVB radiation.. Choose sunglasses with lenses labeled “100% UV protection” on them.

 Tip#6 : Stay Hydrated
Drinking plenty water throughout day keeps body hydrated thereby helping maintain healthy looking complexion around area surrounding each individual’s unique pair peepers!

By following these tips, you can help protect yourself against the damaging effects of UV radiation while still enjoying all fun activities summertime has offer! Remember always be mindful about how much sunshine one gets daily in order avoid any potential risks associated prolonged unprotected exposure.