MDRECIPI Blood Sugar Care

The importance of managing blood sugar

Active blood sugar control is essential to prevent diabetes complications and slow down the progression of complications that have already occurred! This is because high blood sugar continues to have a negative effect on blood vessels. In fact, it has been reported that reducing glycated hemoglobin levels by 1% reduces microvascular complications by 37% and myocardial infarction by 14%. So, blood sugar management is really important.

New Product MDRECIPI Blood Sugar Care

If you want help managing your blood sugar, MD Recipe Blood Sugar Care is suitable.

1. MDRECIPI Blood Sugar Care Contains more than 45mg of 100% Indian banaba leaf extract, and can be easily taken with one tablet a day. It has been recognized by the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety as a functional ingredient that suppresses the rise in blood sugar levels after a meal.

*Banaba: Banaba is a tropical plant native to Southeast Asia. Corosolic acid contained in banaba leaves has been recognized by the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety for its ability to help suppress blood sugar rise after meals.

2. Nutricare’s banaba leaf is made from 100% Indian banaba leaf extract from Umalaxmi Organics, a company specializing in plant extracts. The Umalaxmi Organics company was founded in 2000 and manufactures high quality, standardized plant extract powders using environmentally friendly technology.

3. MDRECIPI Blood Sugar Care is made with Nutricare’s unique triple layer tablet technology. Banaba leaf extract powder and vitamin C (sub ingredient) are divided into layers to prevent mixing between raw materials and increase the storage capacity of the product.

4. In addition to banaba leaf extract as the main ingredient, MD Recipe Blood Sugar Care contains eight carefully selected sub ingredients such as cudrania tricuspidata leaf silkworm fibroin peptide, solomon’s seal concentrated powder, artichoke extract powder, yam extract powder, balsam apple extract powder, corn beard extract powder, vitamin C, aquamin F.

5. MDRECIPI Blood Sugar Care is a product developed by professional researchers at Nutricare, a health functional food company. Nutricare has its own R&D center, where researchers specializing in health functional foods are doing their best in direct research and development, and are constantly making efforts to protect the quality of life and health of customers.

6. MDRECIPI Blood Sugar Care is carefully manufactured through strict quality control that can be trusted and eaten in its own facilities certified by GMP and HACCP. Nutricare is working hard today to make safe and high-quality products.

MDRECIPI Blood Sugar Care is recommended for people like this.

Those concerned about blood sugar health, those who frequently consume carbohydrates and refined sugar, those who are concerned about blood sugar rise after eating, those who have frequent company dinners and irregular meals, those who have less activity or exercise after eating, those who are looking for a functional raw material that inhibits the increase in blood sugar after meals that has been recognized by the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety.

If you need to control the rise in blood sugar after irregular meals in your busy daily life, take one tablet a day easily with MDRECIPI Blood Sugar Care!